
Sold by: zadmin


Botanical name : Strychnos potatorum

Use : Medicine

Suitable location : Outdoor


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It is a deciduous tree, grow up to the height of 40 feet, the bark is 12 mm in thickness, color brownish-black, rough and corkey with deep cracks. Leaves are simple, arranged opposite, estipulate, glabrous, elliptic, ovate to elliptic-ovate, base obtuse, apex acute, margin entire, glabrous and shiny, 3 to 5 nerved from the base. Flowers white, about 8.5 mm long, born in short axillary cymes, up to 8 mm long; pedicel 2 mm. Fruit is a berry, sized up to 18 mm across, with a hard pericarp, globose, black in color.


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