Paathiri plant

Sold by: zadmin


Botanical name : Stereospermum tetragonum

Use : Leaf

Suitable location : Outdoor

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Stereospermum tetragonum, the yellow snake tree, is 15–20 m tall, trunk 15–25 cm in diam, large leaves 25–50 cm; leaflets 3–6 on each side of midrib, long elliptic, 8-14 X 2.5–6 cm. Large, pale yellow, trumpet shaped flowers occur in panicles. Essential oils in basil, including eugenol, linalool, and citronellol, can help to fight inflammation in the body. These anti-inflammatory properties can help to lower the risk of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. heart disease, and bowel issues. Basil has antibacterial properties.


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